Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Optimizing the Older Adult with Physiotherapists Tera Mezynski and Kerry Carlson

    1. What is the Silver Tsunami?

    2. Tera's 3 generations. Aging is Individualized

    3. Everyone Ages Differently!

    4. How Your Environment Can Affect Your Aging

    5. How Stress, Social Support, Aging and Resources Can Affect Aging

    1. The State of Public Health and Why We Need YOU Working Upstream!

    2. Continum of Care: At Home, Supported Housing, Assisted Living, Long Term Care

    3. What's Currently Happening for Health Care with the Older Adult Population?

    4. Fast Hospital Discharges and Limited Outpatient Physiotherapy

    1. How It Helps If We Understand Aging: What Are the Components of Successful Aging?

    2. Positive Aspects of Aging

    3. Structural and Functional Consequences of Aging

    1. This is one of my favorite clients. Would you believe Ethel is 103 years old. She often walks around without a mobility aid!

    2. I just caught the tail end of her walk to her apartment....I couldn't keep up!

    3. Understanding Frailty

    1. The Impact of Sedentary Behaviour on Retirees and Why We Need Them to Move MORE Throughout the Day

    2. Combating Sedentary Behaviour by More Movement

    3. Use a Simple "Sitting Calculator" to Tabulate Time Spent Sitting During the Day for that "A-Ha" Awareness Moment

    4. Sitting Disease, the Economic Impact, and the Association with Many Other Diseases

    5. Science Behind Sitting Disease

    6. Why We Need to Move Throughout Our Day! One workout and then sitting all day is not good!

    7. NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)is pretty neat! NEAT is what stimulates your metabolic furnace!

    8. More on Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis: Why it's good to be fidgety all day long!

About this course

  • $439.00
  • 16 hours of credits
  • 1 year course access

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