Course curriculum

    1. Intro to Osteoarthritis

    2. What is Osteoarthritis

    1. Does Running Advance OA?

    2. Running and Cartilage Wear

    3. Kerry is Doing Her Slow Jog in Winter Boots!

    4. Here is a recent infografic from the British Journal of Medicine on OA and Running

    5. Exercise is MEDICINE!

    6. Helping Your Clients THRIVE with OA!

    1. Alignment: Walls of the House

    2. Alignment and Pelvis

    3. Neutral Pelvis Cues

    4. Alignment and Pelvis Continued

    1. Setting the Core

    2. Let's Set Your Core

    3. Lower Glut Stability

    4. Let's Contract your Lower Gluts!

    1. Hip Surgical Procedures

    2. Total Hip Replacement Surgery

    3. Hip Surgical Procedures Continued

About this course

  • $239.00
  • 8 hours content
  • Self Paced
  • Content available for 1 year